Friday, November 28, 2008

I Got a Blog!!

Hey - hello! I'll bet nobody's reading this, because it's my FIRST post on my FIRST EVER blog. But that's okay, you have to start somewhere and sometime, right?

But if you DO happen to read this, I want to say "Happy Thanksgiving" to every one and many happy holiday wishes to you and yours.

I haven't even decided what to write about on this blog yet, but I'll be dreaming up something. So many friends are blogging now and I LOVE reading good blogs, so little miss Cactus Annie just had to join in on the fun. Stop back soon or any old time and share some fun stuff, maybe even some thoughtful stuff I'll be dreaming up.



t said...

Yay!'ve got a blog! Look forward to reading it!

Moanerplicity said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I hope you'll enjoy the experience. It really is like thinking out loud. Your thoughts are all your own until you share them. Happy Thanksgiving & Happy sharing!

Snatch JOY!



p.s. Thanks for the blog love you left on my page.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Well the Blonde and I are here! Whoop Whoop!

Morgan Mandel said...

Congratulations on starting your blog. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

Pretty cactus picture!

Morgan Mandel